How to start a magazine, and run it successfully? In this complete Guide to Starting a Magazine, I will tell you everything you need to know and understand, to start a magazine and run it successfully all by yourself.

Beginners Guide to Starting your Own Magazine. Confetti Magazine

Let’s face it, we’ve all wanted to write a book or start a magazine at some point in our lives. If you haven’t experienced that epiphany yet, don’t worry, you’ve still got a lot of time to mull over it. Getting to the point, starting a magazine isn’t easy. In fact, it’s actually one of the most difficult things you could ever do on a professional level. You may have had a conversation with your friends about launching a magazine, and soon enough, you may be convinced that you were born to launch a magazine. That’s all great. I’m happy for you. Now, I will not tell you not to start a magazine. If you really are determined, I know you probably wouldn’t care even if I told you not to start one. So before we go any further into this, I’ll tell you this. Go ahead, start a magazine! I’ll even help you along the way if you need the help.

Several years ago, when I was still just into my twenties, my friend and I started our first magazine too. People all around told us it we wouldn’t be able to make it. Well, you know people! Today, I’m happy I didn’t listen to all those naysayers.

Over the years, I have started several successful magazines, and partnered with innumerable organisations as their custom media partner, and let me tell you this, the juice is definitely worth the squeeze. I hope I’ve motivated you enough to now talk about the real truth and business of starting a magazine. Buckle up, and “gird your loins”. We’re going in deep.

Let me start with a few key facts about launching a magazine for your benefit. Every single day, hundreds of people start a new magazine across the world. Read the statistics in your own country, and you’ll be shocked to see the number of new magazine titles that are out on stands every single month. But the bitter truth is that not all of these enthusiastic magazines survive. On an average across the world, of every 100 magazines that are launched by a new publishing house, less than 30 magazine titles survive the first six months, and less than 10 magazine titles get past a year. And only 2 magazines get past a year and a half, and finally just one magazine survives the two year figure.

Truth hurts, and what hurts even more is the hole-riddled bucket of funds that a new magazine can drain out of you. So the bitter truth is that of every hundred magazines that are launched, just one magazine actually survives a two year period. Now when I say survive, I don’t mean the magazine makes enough money to buy swanky cars and mansions for yourself, I literally mean “survive”. Making hundreds of thousands of dollars is another topic entirely. But on a positive note, a few of these newly launched magazines do make a lot of money, so you still have a fighting chance.

I didn’t really have any intention of writing this post, but I received a mail from an enthusiastic entrepreneur a few days ago, and he wanted to start a magazine. She seemed extremely eager and was completely certain that publishing magazines was her life’s calling. But unfortunately though, she knew nothing about magazines and she knew nothing about the business end of the glossy pages filled with fashionably skimpy women and puffy pouts. She told me that she had been googling for information, but she just wasn’t getting enough, and she was understanding even less. It seemed like no one really wanted to share any trade secrets! But any media person would be able to help you understand the nitty gritties of launching a magazine. The logic is simple, the execution is excruciatingly difficult. After all, starting a magazine is a simple mix of business strategies and creativity. Get it right, and heck, you’ve got the money. Get it wrong, and you’ll wish you never would have entered this business.

Moving on, let’s get one fact straight, running a magazine isn’t easy. And you can write this pointer down because most people have a tendency of forgetting it. And running a magazine is expensive business. Period.

In fact, starting a magazine is one of the most expensive businesses you could ever step into. It’s rich, and unfortunately, you are not going to even smell money for quite a while, maybe even a year or two!  But then again, I’ve been there and done that. Successfully. So don’t sweat your pants just yet. There’s a lot of good in starting a magazine, and there are just as many difficulties involved in the running of a magazine. So if you indeed are still convinced that you can launch that lone successful magazine that can survive the odds of a 1 in 100, then go right ahead and click the link I’ve provided below, to read the second part of this series.

How to start a magazine? Understanding the Requirements of Starting a Magazine

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What are the most important requirements of every successful hotel and hospitality website?

Recommended Introductory Reads: Marketing Strategies using Hotel Websites

Easy Tips to Create the Best Hotel Website

Here are a few tips that you could use to create your hotel website, and ensure that your internet marketing strategies take you full speed ahead.

Keep the Website Unique

All companies want to be the best, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And when they decide to start a website, they hire a team or delegate an internal team that spends days online trying to find the perfect template to use, or copy a good one and fake as their own. And then, they show the best copied template to the management, and what do we have? A great looking website that’s not unique at all. On the other hand, some websites are so boring and confusing with plain white screens of boring content, a user might as well test their keyboard for drool resistance.

The bottom line, if you want to have a great website, work with a good team, and make it clear that you don’t want a “cut-and-paste” job. You want it to be unique, and you also want to know about all the websites that your design team has used for “inspiration”. It’s better to tell the design team straight up rather than find out much later from a guest that your hotel website template is the same as a fan page website template of Katie Price! And perhaps, at the same time your design team would also appreciate the fact that you understand all about inspiring ideas. And the best part is, you can also provide the feedback after you see a few other good looking websites and tell your design team what other additions and changes you would like to see in your own website. After all, you’re trying to make a good looking website and you should try to keep it as unique as it possibly can be.

Have Great Content in the Website

Great content is like great wine. An amateur won’t know the difference between a wine bottled in the vineyards of Mendoza or a bottle of grandma’s grape wine. And what you need, just like wine, depends on the occasion. Are you branding your hotel like a glitzy restaurant, or as a pay-by-the-hour joint? Be prepared to let your customers know that your hotel policy has always stressed on perfection, by having well written and interesting content that’s relevant to your hotel. Will you be having content about Golf Weekend Getaways or PaintBall Frenzy Fridays for the guests at your hotel? Write relevant content based on the type of packages your offer and the type of guests that are expected at your hotel. Mix and Match content can be turn out to be a big downpour for any hotel.

Another pointer that I would like to remind you here is the usage of big words in your website. You really don’t want a potential customer juggling between a dictionary page and your hotel page while surfing the net, do you? Use simple words unless the big words rhyme and line better. Keep it simple, and you’ll get your message across better.

Photography and Images

Hire the best photographers you can afford and use them well. Your potential guests do want to know where they’re going to be staying while vacationing at a faraway city. And good photography can thicken your chances of being the chosen one by a large extent. Pictures speak a thousand words, but a great hotel picture speaks a lot more. And pays the bills a lot better! Always try to be the best you can be, hire the best you can hire, and indulge your guests in the best way you can if you really are serious about making a difference in the hotel and hospitality industry.

Great Search Engine Optimization

Well, we are talking about the internet here, aren’t we? All the glorious content in the world can’t help sell your hotel suites unless people are going to know you exist or visit your website. Always associate your hotel website information with all your communication exchanges like business cards, emails, social media sites, etc. And beyond all that, hire a media partner who can overlook your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You do need the Big G (google, for the less informed), Bing and the other search engines to find you and help internet users find you. So if you have or want a website, SEO comes hand in hand with your hotel’s glory or doom.

Contact Form

When you have a hotel, logic should remind you to put up all your contact details in the most prominent positions on your website. After all, prospective guests do want to contact you, and you do want them to call you. In this business, time is money. If they can’t get in touch with you easily, they’ll go somewhere else.

Live Chat

Today, the best form of contact isn’t the contact form. Contact information is a basic necessity indeed, but not the most efficient one. The best way to show off your customer-friendly hospitality services is to have a live-chat option in your website. It’s easy to set up, and almost always free, unless you want to take live chatting to the next level. Live chat can help your potential guests get in touch with you “anonymously” and ask the silliest questions that nag their mind, without worrying about sounding stupid. If you use this service well, there’s a good chance you’d be able to convert a lot of surfing passer-bys into faithful guests and evangelists.

Social Links

If you’ve read my earlier post on social media tips for hotels, you’d know the importance of having an active social media presence. And if you’re spending quality time in social media interaction, you’d better let your website visitors know all about it. Display your Facebook, Twitter and Blog links in your sidebar, so your curious visitors can know all about your hotel and its social interactions.

Recommendations and Links to Reviews

If you’ve participated actively in travel portals, and have been ranked highly by a few of them, make sure you put that information to good use. Most hotels misunderstand the use of internet rankings and reviews. Showing them off on your hotel website isn’t a bad thing, nor does it make you look like you’re showing off. On the contrary, good reviews and ranks can actually add to your credibility and convince a potential guest more easily.

And More?

Well, the ones I’ve mentioned here are just few of the basic features that any good website should have as a minimum requirement. But if you want to take it all the way to the best levels of hotel websites, well, there’s just no limit to excellence and imagination. At the end of the day, a great website is a better investment than most other investments you may have done to brand your company. And it’s something that will be market and brand your hotel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Now really, how many marketing teams and marketing campaigns can better that figure?

An initiative to have a good hotel website will definitely show positive results. But a great initiative will bring in a lot more. Where do you see your hotel website?

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What does it take to create a perfect hotel website that would help in branding? How can a hotel create a perfect marketing strategy using a website? Read this post to find out.

The Best Hotel Websites – Marketing Strategies and Branding Ideas

Over the last few posts, I’ve written a considerable number of ideas about hotel online marketing strategies and advertising strategies. For those of you who’d like to understand more about hotel marketing and branding ideas, here’s a list of my earlier posts that could help you understand almost all the most important internet marketing strategies that can be used to turn your new hotel into an internet marketing savvy ka-ching machine!

Introduction: Custom Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality Businesses

Successful Marketing Strategies Checklist: Internet Marketing Strategies for Hotels

Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies Part 1 of 4: Inhouse Hotel Magazines and Brochures

Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies Part 2 of 4: Social Media Networking for Hotels

Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies Part 3 of 4: Hotel Marketing Ideas with User Reviews and Feedback

Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies Part 4 of 4: Branding and Marketing with the Best Hotel Websites

In this fourth part, I’ll be telling you almost all there is to know about marketing hotels using websites as a promotional tool.

Marketing your Hotel using the Company Website

I’ve seen a lot of hotel websites over the years, and most of them don’t leave me happy. When you’re one of the frequent travellers, calling friends and asking for hotel recommendations isn’t really the most comfortable thing to do. And spending more than an hour on hotel reviews, especially if you’re only going to spend a night as a business traveller isn’t the most time-efficient way to go about checking into a hotel. For a casual traveller or if you intend to spend a vacation, it pays to spend time looking for the best options. But for a quick decision, nothing beats the hotel website.

But most hotel websites just suck! It’s just terrible to see swanky hotels with glittering stars using basic free website templates and descriptive words in their website content that could make a well read person barf to death. One basic piece of advice from me as an editor, skip the big words unless you really need it. And when you use it, use it well! Don’t go hiring a team that assumes that big words which are copied straight out a thesaurus will make the hotel seem more sophisticated and rich. It really doesn’t work that way. Most people and customers can see right through the idiocy of overstuffed, meaningless sentences.

Here’s a great example of “overstuffed meaningless content” that I came across at one of the really good hotels that I stayed in, based on a recommendation. Of course, I told them, and those stupid words left the hotel forever, along with their thesaurus-loving agency!

“Come, enjoy your holiday with in our abode. Swim through the rich, luxurious satin sheets that adorn our gargantuan, lush beds. Awake to the mind-calming chatter of the morning flora and fauna, and bask in the soft caress of our well trained staff and hospitality. Live life blissfully, in high spirits. Stay at The xxxxxxxx Hotel for the best and most glorious days of your life…”

To tell you the truth, had I come across that line myself in their hotel website, I would never have set foot in that hotel. And that’s how most people see hotels. People are critical when it comes to hotels and hospitality. You’ve read about that in my introductory post on hotel marketing strategies. And that’s the harsh truth. Unless you’re blessed with luck and a flawless marketing and editorial agency, chances are, you’ll find yourself being the butt of jokes by customers and potential customers. And all the riches and Italian marbles can’t stop your hotel guests from having a good laugh, and spreading the funny word. And funny words aren’t really going to help your hotel’s image and branding campaign.

Continue Reading Here: The 8 Most Important Requirements of  a Hotel Website

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Learn to use websites’ user reviews and feedback to brand and promote your company easily. The best internet marketing strategies to advertise and market hotels. Without spending more money!

After discussing marketing strategies for hotels in detail, and explaining web advertising using Inhouse Magazine and Brochure Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality, and Social Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality, this would be the perfect time to talk about the third part of the Internet Marketing and Advertising Strategies for Hotels series. In this post, I will talk about hotel marketing strategies and advertising ideas using the internet, user reviews and user feedback.

Part 3 of 4: Word of Mouth via The Internet a.k.a. User Reviews and Feedback

The internet is a great medium for marketing campaigns to promote brands and reach out to any specific audience, no matter how wide or niche it may be. Internet advertising has come a long way, and the regular PPC and CPM campaigns of hotel internet marketing are a thing of the past. Of course, web advertising is still a really good thing, and can also give back a lot of dividends. But today’s traveller isn’t one to fall for great, flashy ads that are splashed across the computer screens, unless you’ve got the goods to back it up. On a one-off occasion, browsing travellers may book a hotel through a clicked ad, but in almost all cases, internet savvy travellers always look for user reviews and feedback from other travellers who’ve stayed at the hotel previously.

The internet is scattered with travel portals, and it really is one of the biggest money spinners in the world of online content. Millions of people search online and spend time in travel portals to get a better idea about hotels, restaurants and hospitality industries from across the world. If you know how to use this aspect of internet hotel advertising, you can brand your company as a customer-friendly one better than most other means.

Viral Marketing Strategies are great to spread the word about your hotel, and email marketing too can be effective. But the biggest criterion for these mediums to work is the existence of a brand. If you already are a big brand, or have associated with a big brand to create a glitzy hotel that is talked about by everyone, then you’re bound to have a lot of people coming by to your hotel irrespective of feedback or reviews, but for the hotels that are still out there trying to reach out to people and show off their customer-centric work atmosphere, it’s time to participate actively in reputation management and user reviews.

User Reviews on the Internet

There are several sites on the web like Trip Advisor and Virtual Tourist that cater to travellers, and provide information on hotels, hospitality industries, and restaurants. For starters, make sure you find a cushy spot in as many of these hotel and hospitality review sites as you possibly can. It may take a while, but as long as you put in a conscious effort to represent yourself well in all or most of these sites, you can sit back and wait to be noticed, and talked about. Submit your best images, professionally written introduction pieces, and all the works. This the first and most important step in ensuring that you get noticed and reviewed by people. But this isn’t the end, this is but only the first step.

Good and Bad Feedback

Once you’ve added your hotel into the website directories, don’t sit back and relax, and forget all about it. This is one of the biggest mistakes that almost all hotels make when they enter the world of social media and user reviews. Only a few good hotels maintain an active interest in these online directories. After all, you’ve entered your hotel information into these directories so you could be reviewed. That’s like spending months preparing for an exam, and not bothering with the results after you’re done with the exam. Crazy, isn’t it? But some people do that, either because they’ve got something better to do, or know they’ve screwed up so bad they just don’t care! So unless you’ve left the hotel industry to pursue something else, make sure you stay back and spend quality time surfing through these websites.

Responding to Feedback

Read your user reviews, and thank the good reviews, and apologise to the posters of the bad ones. Give away free discounts to a few reviewers who’ve praised you, and a few free dessert coupons to the ones that hated you. That way, you’re making up with the ones that hate you, and graciously showing your gratitude to the ones that liked you. And while you’re doing this, try and make sure others see the efforts you’re taking to please your customers.

Business Tip: Always do these things in the public domain, and let others see all this. Comment back on reviews and ask for more! Lap it all up, the good and the bad, and always serve with a smile.

When you’re online, remember that there’s always someone watching you. And judging you. If they see you as a gracious host, more people will want to come by to your restaurant or hotel to enjoy your company and that of your staff.

Taking an Initiative

Now, I’ve told you about responding to user reviews. But what else can you do to keep a happy online presence? Use your mind, and bring out your fancy discount coupons! Spend a couple of hours online in blog directories and pick out a handful of great bloggers from your city. Get in touch with them by email and invite them to your restaurant for a special review. Tell them you’d also like to gift them with a special discount coupon for accepting the invitation. Please a few people, and get them to review your hotel and write about it in their blogs. Some of them have huge credibility, and chance are, you’ll have your entire city talking about you in a couple of weeks. And all this, without spending a penny on huge advertising hoardings or newspaper inserts!

Making the Difference with User Reviews

Remember the rule of social media. It’s always a two-sided conversation, not a one-sided monologue. And if you know how to use it well, you’ll be able to reach out to thousands of people without even spending a dime on advertising.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Get in touch with me, there’s a whole lot of ideas where this came from!

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Create Successful Internet Marketing Strategies for Hotels using Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Blogs.

Over the last couple of posts, we’ve discussed hotel marketing strategies and marketing campaigns, and tips on using hotel guests and inhouse magazines as effective marketing campaigns. In this post, I’ll be telling you about internet marketing strategies using social networking communities.

Over the last few years, emails and internet chatting has slowly led to a better and bigger platform for interaction. The World of Social Media. And quality hotels have been incorporating online media marketing by using social media as a platform to connect with their customers and potential customers. So how can you use social media to promote your hotel or hospitality business?

Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies

Part 1 of 4: Successful Hotel Marketing Strategies – Inhouse Magazines and Brochures

Part 2 of 4: Word of Mouth a.k.a. Social Networking Communities

Word of mouth, as we’ve discussed in my introductory post Custom Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels, is the most crucial element in every successful marketing strategy of hotels. And after inhouse magazines and brochures, social media marketing is the next factor that every hotel must focus on, to reach out and spread “happy words” about the hotel.

What are the different types of social media?

Great social media sites crop up every day. So focussing on all aspects of social media may not be the best approach to reaching out to potential customers. We’ve all heard of the old adage, a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Try to build a firm ground in a few prominent social media platforms, before getting ambitious and going all out. For the hotel industry, the best social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs, not necessarily in that hierarchical order, but yes, no matter what your creative marketing agencies say, these social media platforms are the three best options as of now.  It may change, but not today. We do have several other social media platforms that are great to create awareness about your hotel, but I wouldn’t want to confuse you with more names now. Look around, and I’m certain you’ll find a lot of good options through a search engine.

How to create a social media presence?

Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs, as I’ve mentioned earlier, are the best platforms to promote your hotel. To implement a social media campaign for your hotel, obviously, you need to create a strong presence in all three mediums. All three mediums have their own way of building networks, the most personal one being Facebook, the most spammy one being Twitter, and the most authoritative one being a Blog.  Now you’re going to need all three, and for entirely different reasons, because together the three-combo can pack a serious punch.

The Combination of Facebook, Twitter and a Blog

Facebook is a great social medium to create an internet marketing strategy that involves the creation of a community, and one that can pay rich dividends as long as you show interest in keeping your community active. As long as you reward your community members with gifts and freebees, they will spread your word for you, and they will spread it well.

Twitter is by far, the best medium to create a point of purchase scenario online, and draw people to your hotel, while branding your hotel as a customer-friendly one at the same time. It is also the medium with the lowest recollection rate due to the high number of tweet links that a user is bombarded with, every day. The advantage of Twitter has drawn so many spam accounts that it’s quite difficult to differentiate a spam link from a genuine one. But yet, if you learn to use it well, there’s probably a good chance that you can create an excellent campaign that will have your hotel desk bell ringing all day long.

Blogs are the perfect medium to create a strong online presence, and reach out to people who want to know about your hotel, or about your city. Create a blog, but don’t restrict it to the facilities in your hotel. Add more, and you shall receive more! Talk about new events in your city, about places to visit in your city, travel packages, guest reviews of your hotel, the add-ons that only your hotel can provide, and so much more. Blogs can actually do more than brand your hotel. It can increase the trustworthiness of your hotel, as blogs have the added benefit of comments and feedback. Take the help of a good custom media house that can help you plan an exhaustive campaign that can change the way you draw customers.

These are just a few basic tips that you could use while planning your next marketing campaign for your hotel. Learning to use the internet to market your hotel is a bit like starting a hotel.

The business model is simple. After all, it’s the execution and implementation that makes all the difference between a badly planned one and a great one.


Introductory Recommended Reads

Custom Media and Social Media for Hotels and Hospitality

Internet Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality

In my previous posts that are linked above, I’ve discussed about the most important factors to influence customers’ minds, you would have read that word of mouth is the most crucial requirement for the successful running of any hotel or hospitality business. In this post, I will be discussing the first major word of mouth marketing strategy with relevance to hotels. I’ll be talking about marketing strategies for hotels with respect to Word of Mouth through friends, co-workers and magazines. By understanding the requirements of word of mouth and using it effectively in email marketing campaigns and in the marketing strategies of hotels, any hotel can see a significant difference in its brand perception, and in turn, in its profit curves.

Part 1 of 4

Word of Mouth a.k.a. Friends and Co-workers

One of the behavioural traits of humans in general is their need to be convinced. We ask friends and other people for suggestions all the time, whether it’s about looking good in a new dress, or whether we’re doing the right thing by jumping into a new relationship. We always want to hear opinions from other people, even if we’re convinced about an idea ourselves. If you’re involved in strategising a marketing campaign for a hotel, this is a good point to take note of. People always ask their friends and co-workers for recommendations while making travel plans. It’s easy and trustworthy. It may not be the biggest priority, but yet, it’s an important one. If you have a new guest that’s come to your hotel, keep them happy. And they’ll spread happy words on your behalf. You know all the rules of hospitality, but do you know what else you could use?

With respect to marketing, you definitely need good brochures and inhouse hotel magazines. Not the low grade ones that are created by local print shops, used mostly by school kids for class projects! You’ve spent millions on your hotel. Seriously, a little more respect and ego for your brand should get you thinking here. If you think guests ought to pay you more because you provide a better service, understand that the same goes for design and content solutions too. Partner with a good media house and sign up on a long term contract that could end up cutting your costs by a large extent. But wait a few months so you can be entirely convinced of any media house’s customer-relations and quality. Sometimes though, with great quality and creativity comes a great big ego. Wait a while and see which media house can balance your requirements without compromising on the best quality you can afford.

What do you need?

What impresses a guest when they check in at your hotel? The plush rooms, the ambience, the food, and everything else that a good hotel provides, of course. It’s time to take it up a notch. Along with the goodies of the hotel line, some of the most important requirements are good hotel brochures, travel tips, restaurant and additional menus, and an awesome inhouse magazine that’s placed neatly on the coffee table (magazines are the best option, which of course, comes at a price). Going back to discussing hotel amenities, a great hotel counts for good memories, but every hotel needs more than that. Hotels need good communication tools to spread the happy word.

Hotel Magazine Tip: Create a good magazine. Period. When it comes to luxury additions like magazines and travel guides, having a bad inhouse magazine is actually worse than not having one at all! So if you are serious about having an inhouse magazine for your hotel, outsource or hire a good team! Or make sure you’ve got a good media house working on your magazine. You could contact me or my media house if you are keen on having an inhouse magazine, after all, I may be an occasional blogger, but I am a full time publisher.

Get your guests to talk happy – Conversation Starters and Builders

So how do you get your guests to talk happy about your hotel or hospitality business? Good service and amenities are good conversation starters. But all hotel bosses know that it takes more than good conversation starters to sell its suites, it needs great conversation builders! And nothing is better to carry on great conversations than stunning brochures and classy magazines. With a hotel magazine, you can do all that and more.

Convert your guests into brand builders

So what do guests do after they get back home after a great trip? They talk about their trip with their friends and co-workers. By giving away a great hotel magazine to every guest that comes to your hotel, not only are you giving away a treasured souvenir to your happy guests, you are also arming them with the perfect ammunition to become your “accidental brand builders”! Your guests loved their vacation, and they will talk. And big chances are, when they talk, they will talk about your magazine, and bigger chances are, they’ll show their friends a copy of your hotel magazine and share stories about your hotel. That’s a good half an hour of a marketing pitch about your hotel. And give this a thought, your marketing team isn’t even in the picture! Friends have the power of convincing better than any super-marketing-man. Can you imagine if you have hundreds of guests every month, and each of these guests spread the word about your hotel to their friends using your magazine? With a magazine alone, you could create thousands of free evangelists for your hotel. Every month.

Do you need a magazine, really?

But you may ask, why does my hotel need a magazine? Your guests may talk about your hotel anyway. So what’s the use of a magazine? We’ll do a simple comparison here. If you need to sell a marketing pitch to a potential client, who would you use, your master chef or your marketing head? Similarly, your happy guests are not marketing agents, they’re just the messengers who have friendly credentials and happy momories. Your guests will definitely speak more about their vacation than your hotel. Your guests may speak about your hotel, but they may not be able to convince their friends, a.k.a. they may not be able to sell your product for you. But a magazine can be used well to talk about the vacation spot with great stories and travel tips, while at the same time, discreetly brag about your hotel and show off its facilities and amenities, without sounding like a marketing pitch at all.

Try it, I know it works. And it’s profitable in more ways than one. If you know how to monetise it by bringing on advertising partners, chances are, you’re going to sell without a marketing team. And at the same time, make more money with advertisement spaces in your magazine!

The great advantage that a hotel magazine can give you is the power to sell, without really creating a marketing pitch or having a marketing team spread across the world!

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Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality. Use the power of the Internet to brand your hotel and hospitality company. And make more money while you’re at it!

Before reading this post on Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality, I would recommend that you read the introduction to this post, Custom Media and Social Media for Hotels and Hospitality, if you would like to understand more about the basics of marketing strategies for hotels and hospitality. As you’ve seen in my introductory post, marketing for hotels and hospitality is not something that comes the easy way, and branding campaigns for hotels are just not simple anymore. And the two most important criteria for a successful hotel and an even more successful hotel marketing strategy is the spreading of an idea (your reach) and the receiving back of ideas (feedback).

If you own a hotel and want people to  come in droves every weekend and weekday, how would you start? What is the best way to reach out to potential customers from across the world? We’ve all heard of email marketing  and online marketing for hotels by having a huge mailing list and having frequent email campaigns. But what is the real concept behind all of these strategies and ideas? Why do some campaigns work and some fail miserably?

By reading the mind of a potential customer, we can clearly understand about his or her brand perception and interest in your hotel. So if someone wants to travel to a vacation spot, how do you think they zero in on the right place to stay?

The Most Important Factors to Influence Customers’ Minds

Customers and potential customers follow a specific trend when it comes to hotels and decision making. Confetti Media has conducted several surveys to really understand the mind of a potential customer. The four most important factors that influence a customer to decide on a hotel are the ones mentioned below. If you have these covered, trust me, your marketing strategies will take off to a flying start all by itself.

1. Word of Mouth via Friends and Co-workers

2. Word of Mouth via Social Networking Communities

3. Word of Mouth via The Internet a.k.a. User Reviews

4. Word of Mouth via The Internet a.k.a. Your Company Website

[Click on the links provided in the pointers to read about these ideas in detail]

So at the end of the day, word of mouth is one of the best methods to reach out to your audience. But I’m not talking about traditional forms of word of mouth. We need to have a lot of mouths talking about you, not just ones that are regular guests at your hotel. If you want to create a bigger impact, you need even people who have never stayed at your hotel to speak well about your hotel. Some companies have created this for themselves, though they may have taken years and decades to get branded as one of the best.

The biggest advantage of starting a marketing campaign for hotels in today’s internet savvy and social media world is the reach it gives you. You can put up 140 characters on your Twitter page, and chances are, there’s someone retweeting your information from another part of the world.

Words spread fast. That’s the easy part. The difficult part is spreading good words. And that makes all the difference!

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How to use Inhouse magazines, Custom Media and Social Media to brand and promote hotels, resorts, spas, and the hospitality industry.

The Hospitality Industry is one of the most “shallow” industries in the world. Why shallow?! Well, because the guests want everything to be just beautiful! The suites have to be beautiful, the employees have to be gorgeous, the food has to be delicious, and what not. I’m sure we can come up with many more shallow requirements if we ponder over shallow thoughts and hotels for a few minutes. So can any other industry get any more shallow than that? I think not. So that clears up one of the most obvious requirements or factors that make a hotel or a resort a good one. Branding.

Surprisingly and not unexpectedly, guests at spas, hotels and resorts are extremely picky. There’s something about hotel hallways and luxury suites that bring out the “dung-under-the-nose” expression in most people. Perhaps, it’s because they have to use a room that’s been used by many people, or maybe it’s because people like being bitchy to the hospitality industry! But the flipside to all the dung in bad hotels is this, if you keep your guests happy in a good hotel, they will market your hotel even better than your “marketer-of-the-month”! And for free!

From my own experience, people love to talk to other people about great hotels. Great hotels are like great dates and relationships. You’re looking for them all the time, but you’re left disappointed almost all the time. But on that rare occurrence when you find a great one, heck, you can’t stop talking about it with others! So as much as this talking trend sucks for the irresponsible hotels, this human tendency to talk about great hotels is a boon for the hotels that really care about their guests (and make good money while they’re at it!).

So what’s the point?

All theories apart, let’s get to the point. So you have a good hotel or a spa? A few people do come by, but there’s really not much happening for you? Or your place may have had a bad past, and you may have revamped the whole hotel and the staff, but people still don’t come back in droves. What on earth could be going wrong? Well, at times like these, unfortunately, the proverbial shit happens, or the constellations have just aligned themselves to read “your hotel sucks!” Sometimes, all the guests in the world can’t really evangelise for you or sell your hotel rooms. Perhaps, your hotel’s just to rich to afford on a daily basis, or your spa provides a service that’s just too niche, or maybe your luxury club’s just too exclusive. No one knows the reason, but we all know that we can’t just sit back and wait for the grey goose to drop golden guests. At times, we have to take a step ahead and go where the potential guests go. Catch them when they’re least expecting to be caught.

The two most important criteria. And Custom Media.

There are just two important criteria to sell your hospitality product in today’s world. One, the reach of your brand. Two, the feedback. Nothing else matters in today’s world. You could be hidden on a faraway island lost in the middle of deep oceans and may never have advertised a single day in your hotel’s lifetime. But if you have created a brand, and got good feedback, no one’s going to stop you from singing ka-ching! If hotels in Antarctica could stash money, why can’t you, especially when you’re plonked right in the middle of a big city?!

But nevertheless, how do you collect brownie points with these two key factors, reach and feedback? And how do you get this fast? As confusing as it may all seem, my advice to you is two words for these two factors. Custom Media. Custom Media can literally nuke your worries away if you use the strategies well.

Irrespective of whether you’re a heritage hotel or a new boy in the block, Custom Media can change the way you work, and make money. For example, let’s say you’ve hit the big time and started a swanky star hotel. One of your key interests at the beginning is to promote it well. If you advertise in a newspaper spending hundreds of thousands of rupees, it’s going to reach out to a lot of people, true, but how many people are really going to come by and stay at your hotel or even remember your hotel after they roll the newspaper and fling it into the “recycle” bin?

As good as traditional media may seem to be, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, the return on investment is just too darn low! And to top that, consumers don’t really like being bombarded by your advertisements everyday. It only spreads word that your hotel is on a mass advertising spree to get some attention. People hate attention seekers, and love exclusivity, even if it’s just “artificial exclusivity”. Therefore, exclusivity is the key to branding.  I’m going to give a small piece of advice to all the traditional thinkers (unfortunately we’ve got far too many of them in the world). You may think you’re running the Buckingham Palace replica for all anyone cares, and you may love it. But no one gives that a thought, they want to hear what others say about it. What do your guests say about your hotel? If you want to start making a difference, learn to read your customers’ minds.

The Story of the Blacksmith and the Mare

Just the other day, I had a chance meeting with one of the key thinkers behind a grand chain of hotels that’s spread across India. Their brochures were terrible, their newsletter was completely lacking editorial and design skills, their website was a template straight out of the most popular sections of, and the whole package was literally repulsive.

But their hotels were flawless and magnificent! What have we learnt today? If a blacksmith has to create a faster chariot, he should stick with banging metal to create the best wheels. Don’t try to make a better horse by banging the mare! Leave that part of the job to that magnificent palomino you found on eBay! If you’ve got a great hotel, give your guests the full package. If you’re good at running a hotel, stick with it. Hire a good custom media team on full employment or partner with a custom media company. Think about it, instead of spending millions on a marketing team that’s equipped with weak brochures and presentations, spend a small percentage of that money on working with a good custom media team to prepare better products that can talk for themselves and create better word of mouth campaigns for you.

We all have egos, and so does your communications team. They may say your media inventory is the best in the world, but really, can you trust your communications team on that? Don’t listen to their feedback, especially when it’s their fault your company’s media skills suck. Listen to your guests, and ask them what they think about your custom mediaware. Do they like your brochures, magazines, newsletters, and all the other media works? Try to find out which hotel’s media offerings they like more, so you can understand how you can make things better for your hotel.

What’s Apple got to do with it?

Apple may be one of the most revolutionary companies in the world. Their products have been blessed with the boon of buy-without-seeing! Everyone talks about Apple and their products months before the launch of a product. But what makes Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc., such a cool guy is his passion to take it to the next step. At every one of his launches, he creates a presentation that can put some of the best speakers to shame! He doesn’t need to do that, especially when his products do that for him anyways, but here’s a man who will not compromise on anything. And that’s what makes Apple, Apple.

If you really want to make a difference and get people talking about your hotel, spa, resort or just about any other name under the hospitality industry, learn to be good at everything that you do. And if you and your team are not good at something, outsource the job or get someone who’s good enough. Remember, in today’s world of social media awareness, there is nothing more important than the spreading of an idea (your reach) and the receiving back of ideas (feedback).

The Definitive Checklist to use Custom Media, Social Media and Content Marketing to brand your hotel in Six Months (and make more money!)

I’ve created a checklist that every marketing head of a hospitality company should consider heavily in today’s internet savvy world in the link that I’ve provided below. Perhaps, that can help you start moving the wheels of change in your company. After all, traditional is called traditional for a reason. The faster we understand that, the better prepared we’d be for evolutionary jumps in the hospitality industry.

Internet Marketing Strategies for Hotels and Hospitality – The Four Most Important Factors to Influence Customers’ Minds.

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The 10 best, good and the worst social media campaigns! Social Media for Beginners. Information and Guide to understand Social Media.

If you’re heading a company that’s not particularly savvy with the concept of Social Media, you must have at least come across the term “Social Media” somewhere on the web. Or you may have read about it in a few blogs, after all, just about anyone who writes blogs has become a social media expert, or has at least one post glorifying the benefits of using social media. And quite frankly, with all due respect even to the “I-have-one-social-media-post-in-my-blog-I’m-an-expert-now!” type of bloggers, they do have a good point. We’re all experts at social media, even if we’ve just opened a new mail account. You don’t get it? You soon will, as you read on…

In several of my meetings, I’ve had clients asking me what exactly Social Media is. They do understand that it’s all about advertising and promoting products and brands using networking sites on the internet. But if it’s really that simple, then why isn’t it just called Online Advertising? The truth is, Social Media Marketing is a unique concept that’s entirely different from traditional means of online advertising. But we’re still left with the question, what then is social media?

The easiest way to understanding social media, is to relate it to the relationship between men and women. We may think we know everything about relationships, but every day is a new day. And one can never know what makes a partner happy and what doesn’t, even if they’ve been married for fifty years, or have been jumping from one bed to another faster than their new partner can fasten their zippers. So is social media like a relationship? Yes, to a large extent. But is social media a mystery? Not at all! Then why are there so many different definitions, you may ask? The easiest way to explain all the confusion about Social Media is that it is just too simple! Its simplicity is its biggest boon, and yet, its biggest bane.

Without going any further into the post, let me explain what social media is, without entering the zone of a dictionary or a research paper. This paragraph is for newbies though. For starters, social media is nothing but a method by which we can sell, brand or reach out to the whole world by using websites, forums, content sites, wiki sites, networking communities, blogs, etc. But it’s done with a difference (we’ll talk about this in a bit though). Networking community sites and forums are websites where people can interact with each other and create new friends in the online world. A few examples of social networking sites include Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. If you’ve used the internet and haven’t really heard of at least one of these sites, I’m guessing you’ve had your head buried under a pile of sand or snow, depending on where you’re coming from. But it’s alright, really. We’ve all been out of the loop at some time in our lives. And we’ve all dusted ourselves clean on the way out.

Social media marketing is a means by which we can advertise products or ideas to the rest of the world using two-way communication channels. Traditional advertising has always been one sided, but with social media, a new interactive medium of promotion can be created. This one factor is the biggest difference between traditional media and social media.

Anyways, so why is social media simple? It’s simple because anyone can understand it, and it’s simple because even a newbie can enter a site and start a social media campaign! You don’t believe me? What do you think you do as soon as you join a social networking community like Facebook? The first two things every single person does is 1. Update profile. 2. Invite friends.

Isn’t that like creating a product or a brand (you), and reaching out to a particular audience (your friends)? So every single person who has ever used a social networking site and has at least a few friends online has created a social media strategy! And that’s how simple it really is. And that’s why social media, as simple as it seems, is a tough nut to crack. Social media tactics are easy to understand and implement on a small scale, i.e., between friends.

But the problem starts when you want to connect and reach out to more than just your good friends. Social Media Application is all about using similar strategies as connecting with friends on Facebook, but on a larger scale, and reaching out to more people. So how do we reach out to people we don’t know, and beyond that, how do we make those unknown people reach out and spread your message to more unknown people?

Celebrities get an easier deal here, because they have hundreds of thousands of people willing to follow them on their social networking pages. But an upcoming brand that not many people know of is definitely bound to have a harder time getting people to talk or follow them on social networking sites.

If a friend tweets a good link, or leaves you a message about a funny incident on Facebook, and you find it interesting, big chances are, you may forward the message to other friends of yours. That’s one of the key elements of social media marketing. It’s the exponential spreading and exchanging of ideas between different people. And even small measures can show huge results. One single tweet on Twitter could spread across the world in a few minutes, if the tweet is informative or has something that’s worth tweeting.

So now we come to the concept of implementing social media for your business. Obtaining good results from social media asks for the creation of an idea that’s worth spreading and talking about. As we’ve experienced before, if we like something on our Facebook page or Twitter homepage, we’ll forward it. So do you have a great message to send out to people on community sites? Do you know a way to entice users to follow you or your product?

Clothing stores and just about any other kind of store there is, use certain tactics to draw customers. Some have awesome window displays, some create a nice cosy hangout, and some stores put up big discount hoardings. They’re all ways to draw potential customers’ attention. And these potential customers talk about it with their friends, and the chain building starts off, and continues as long as the store has something worth talking about. To implement social media marketing and use it well, you need something just like that to reach out to people, over the internet.

Simplicity has a strange way of bringing along with it the biggest difficulties. Social Media campaigns are simple and yet, difficult to perfect. While it’s easy to spread ideas amongst loyal customers and people we know or interact with, getting them to spread it further to their friends and co-workers is where the difficulty begins. There are several social media marketing companies across the world that create these campaigns for their clients. Few ideas work, but most ideas don’t.

So can you become a social media expert or can you use different ideas to implement social media campaigns for your own brand? Perhaps. But remember that campaigns created by an untrained eye can actually do you more harm than good. A campaign could backfire and your message may be forwarded to other people with negative remarks! It’s happened even with the biggest brands like Skittles and GM (Make your own SUV ad). What matters is how well you understand the concept of social media and its implementation. Almost all of us can drive, but why aren’t we all participating in F1? That’s the difference between someone who knows what’s social media, and a professional social media marketing practitioner. But for someone who wants to know more about social media, here are some great examples, a few good ones, and (gasp) the ugly ones.

The Best Social Media Campaigns

Dunkin’ Donuts Coolatta Campaign

Dunkin’ Donuts came up with an innovative campaign to reach out to its customers through Twitter and Facebook. It was a campaign that worked, and did wonders for the brand.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

When Universal Orlando Resort wanted to launch this theme park, they didn’t spend millions to reach out to their audience. They told just seven people about it. And today, the world knows about it!

The Pink Chaddi Campaign

This is an awesome campaign that brought the whole of India together against a political party. The best part about this campaign was that it was started by just another journo, with no interest in branding or ROI!

The Good Social Media Campaigns

Fiesta Movement Campaign

How can a company that’s being funded by tax payers create a campaign that won’t burn its pockets by going the traditional route? Ford found the perfect way.

The Moonfruit Campaign

What are you going to do on your tenth birthday? Giving away gifts via Twitter might be a good option to get more followers, you know.

Burger King’s Whopper Sacrifice

Will you sacrifice ten friends to get a free burger? Apparently, some people will. And good news for the brand, a lot more spoke about the campaign.

ISpy Levi’s

How far will you go to get someone to drop their pants, and win a pair of Levi’s in return? I’d say, quite far!

The Ugly Social Media Campaigns

Skittles Homepage

What happens when kids find a wall or a blackboard in class, and no one’s around? Well, they scribble the F word. Now why didn’t Skittles give that a thought when they launched their campaign?

Resident Evil Game – T-Virus Campaign

Who wouldn’t panic when they think their phone is attacked by a virus? Even if it was just a joke, would you take that well?

L.K. Advani’s Election Campaign

Why spend over two and a half billion rupees on a social media campaign when there’s nothing social about it? And why didn’t his party spend a few more rupees on a few more people to see where this campaign was popping up?!

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The Complete Guide to Branded Custom Inhouse Publications

Why should your company start a magazine? How can branded inhouse magazines help your company?

After the recent global hit, one of the biggest changes we’ve seen across the globe is the number of branded magazines that have cropped up in the last couple of years. Also known as contract publishing or customer publishing, it’s spreading faster than ever before. A few years ago, only the most elite of all brands and companies boasted of publishing their own inhouse magazines, but today, it’s more of a necessity than a style statement. Retailers, resorts, hotels, spas, malls, FMCGs, and almost every other niche have their own magazine today. In this post, you may find quite a few links to my older posts, which I recommend you read. Each linked post has a detailed explanation about every aspect involved in the production of a custom magazine. You can start by reading this link about branded magazines and market predictions [Inhouse branded magazines the next best thing].

Why is it a better medium?

An internally published magazine is way better than traditional magazines, in several ways. Why else would everybody prefer them over traditional advertising and branding media? This link [Do you really need an inhouse magazine?] should help you understand the benefits of an inhouse magazine over other forms of media.

Can the Return on Investment be measured?

Of course, it can! And if any custom publisher tells you otherwise, or plays with words, you’re better off without that publisher on your side. A custom publication is no good without a full-fledged strategic marketing plan to ensure return on investment, either by means of advertising revenues, or by database comparison. Read this link to know all about it [Custom Media and Return on Investment].

Educating your clients and consumers

A custom magazine is a great medium to educate your customers and potential customers. While a regular magazine reader may glance at your double spread advertisement with mild interest, and may care less whether you exist in their favourite magazine or not, a branded magazine hits the nail in a completely different zone. When a customer reads a custom publication, they know exactly what to expect. And with every flip of another page, they know that they are going to find more information about your products and your company. Therefore, with a branded magazine, the reader isn’t distracted by your information and products. Rather, they’re looking forward to knowing more about your brand.

Involving Customers

Involving customers and drawing them to your loyalty club is not an easy task. Exclusive membership cards and weekly newsletters are a thing of the past. Today, consumers are a clever bunch, and can spot an advertisement even in an editorial page. So trying to confuse your customers isn’t going to go very easy on your brand building campaign. So what does an advertising brand have to do to connect with their customers? The easiest way is through a custom magazine. Today’s customers want to see a brand’s genuine interest in them, and not the fake campaigns that hit them right between the eyes. We’ve all received a call from some company at least once in our lifetime, telling us that we’ve won a three day free trip to a luxury destination! And then, some trusting customers who accepted that offer are left with a bitter taste in the mouth and loads of undisclosed bills in their hands! If you want to reach out to your customer, be genuine. Marketing gimmicks are a thing of the past, and with social networks all around us, you’ll have an online hate campaign against you in no time! Cafe Coffee Day felt the heat with #ccdsucks, so can you!

An inhouse magazine shows a genuine interest in the customer, and brands your company as a customer-friendly company. And goodies in the magazine like gift coupons, add-ons, etc. can create a big positive impact. Get in touch with me to know about more marketing ideas to gain bigger brownie points with your customers, and involve them better using an in-house magazine. Read this link to find out more about getting brownie points by hitting the mark on customer-focus [Does your company need a custom publication?].

The daunting difficulties in Asian countries

Custom Media is booming across the world. In the U.K., custom branded magazines are even beating traditional magazines at their own game! But in Asia, the custom magazine movement still hasn’t picked up steam like it has in the rest of the world. We do have a lot of inhouse magazines, but just not enough to raise a toast or cheer. One of the biggest reasons for this is the low diversity in advertising campaigns. In Asia, the marketing focus is primarily on traditional mediums, and a few others. There’s hardly ever a direct mail campaign, and a unique hard-hitting social media branded campaign comes as often as a drizzle in the Sahara. The lack of innovative means to reach out to consumers has dampened the media frenzy that’s hit the rest of the world. The ads on the telly and in magazines are just about passable, and some are blatantly copied!

To make matters worse, companies across Asia, especially in India, have another way of looking at custom magazines. Whenever a company intends to start an inhouse magazine, they expect their inhouse magazine to function like a mainstream magazine! They want the same fame, and they want the same advertising revenues. And wait for it, they want to break even in less than three issues! Click this link to find about more about conversations around inhouse magazines in India [Are you in it (custom magazines) only for the money?].

The New Age of Content Marketing

For a long time, visuals have always played a great part in marketing campaigns. But since the last few years, especially with the advent of social networking and content forwarding, content has started playing a very important role in advertising campaigns. Good content can generate more hits and forwards than visuals, unless the visuals are truly striking or bordering on the sleaze, and not all brands can use Axe/Lynx ads to get viral hits. Companies are paying more to ensure that their content is hard-hitting and informative, and a few other companies are paying even more for great online campaigns and insertions. Especially in online mediums, content in the form of guest posts, blogs and advertorials have blurred their zone with regular articles. Content isn’t just king anymore, it’s more than that. And with a custom publication, you’re reaching out to an interested audience with just that power.

Branding with inhouse magazines

Inhouse magazines can play a big part in direct sales, and more. But unlike gift coupons or broadsheet advertisements for discount sales, the return on investment can’t be judged over a 48-hour period. It’s all about how effective your magazine is at connecting with your reader. And how informative a reader finds the magazine, which is one of the primary reasons why several inhouse magazines fail miserably. It isn’t just about writing content that pops up at the writer’s whims and fancies. Content plays a vital part in generating leads in inhouse magazines. So how long will it take to see the big hit? Well, it all depends upon the effectiveness of your magazine’s content. Click here to read more about custom media and its results [How soon can custom media show results?].

Increase of social networking communities

Inhouse magazines don’t necessarily have to be printed and distributed by hand or mail. Some of the finest magazines are distributed online, and their customer base is only increasing with each passing day. But unlike print magazines, they also carry with them a considerable risk because of the large audience that online mediums generate. Good online magazines are discussed and distributed like hot cakes, but even a few flaws can create worldwide criticism! As much as you want to reach out to a big audience, you still have to understand the requirements of going online with your content. So if you’re looking at a cushy online spot, make sure you’ve got the best custom publishers working on your magazine!

Maintaining the balance

Inhouse magazines have a tendency of creating a huge bulge in the ego pants! And this is especially true for newer companies that want to up their brand, really fast. For an inhouse magazine to really work, research conducted by Confetti Media has shown certain percentages of company information versus reader-engaging information that are crucial for the success of an inhouse magazine. Every category of brands has their own successful percentages. For example, a fashion brand can use 100% of its pages to talk about its products, and still keep the customer happy, whereas a hotel magazine can’t talk about itself for more than 30% of the pages, and automotive magazines can’t talk about their own companies for more than 60% of the pages. Cross these percentages, and your magazine may be in the red zone of discarded magazine. But this is not the same as advertising about your own brand. That’s a whole new issue! But that aside, read this [12 things that you should never do with an inhouse magazine] to have a better idea of what to do and what not to do when you launch an inhouse magazine.

Outsourcing Custom Publishing

In most cases, custom inhouse magazines are usually produced by internal teams that multitask and juggle two profiles. And in a few other cases, custom magazines are outsourced to advertising agencies. The biggest downfall in these two cases is that, the first option is more internally focussed, while in the case of advertising agencies, the content is focussed more on sales. As subtle as I may try to be, the fact remains that no one understands the requirements of a custom magazine as much as a custom publisher. At the end of the day, every single page of content has to have a direct relevance to branding, increasing awareness, and a good return on investment. Just like you wouldn’t delegate your marketing and selling activities to your public relations team or vice versa, however close their way of working may seem, it’s just the same with content. You can’t delegate it to just about anyone if you are genuinely interested in seeing positive results. Here’s a good link of mine that can help you find out how much an inhouse magazine can cost your company [How much does a custom publication cost?].

The Round-up

Now that we’re though all these pointers and the links in the post, I’m certain you’d know all about inhouse magazines and how to use it effectively to increase your branding, customer awareness, loyalty, revenue generation, etc. and etc. But if there’s anything more that you’d like to know, or if you’d be interested in working with me on a new and exciting venture into content marketing and custom media, hey, I’m only a message or a call away!

Get in touch with me. 24 hours or less before you hear from me. You have my word.

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Vinod Srinivas Confetti MediaVinod Srinivas is a leading media strategist and consultant. As the co-founder of Confetti Media, one of India’s leading custom media houses, he has partnered with several organisations to create successful media strategies over the years. Being one of the pioneers of Custom Media solutions in India, he is one of the most established experts in the application of Custom Media.
This blog discusses the relevance and profitable utilisation of Custom Media, and has definitive and illuminating posts on Social Media, Custom Publishing, Content Marketing, Custom Publications, and new innovations in the world.

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